EduArt Start

This programme turns art world newbies into future collectors.

Within six months, you’ll familiarise yourself with the art scene and understand the art market mechanisms. And that’s only possible by first-hand experience. We’ll take you where art lives: to experts, collectors and artists. They’ll personally unveil the art-scene backstage where theory meets practice. We’ll connect you with internationally renowned specialists sharing their knowledge. You’ll get a bunch of insider tips. Despite the programme’s expertise, the atmosphere is relaxed. We don’t follow the if-it’s-not-formal-it’s-not-professional cliche. EduArt Start is an unforced initiation of your art-collecting journey. As the first piece of your collection, you’ll get a limited-edition silkscreen print as a gift.

Chief curator of Kvalitář gallery Jan Dotřel at their warehouse.

EduArt Roadshow

EduArt Roadshow takes prospective collectors to discover various approaches to running an art collection.

This six-month programme follows the EduArt Start course: you can only do the Roadshow if you’ve gone through the Start. Thanks to that, you already know the art market context. EduArt Roadshow teaches you the practical collecting steps. You’ll learn about the acquisition process, artwork documentation and collection maintenance. You’ll understand how to define your goals and set the budget. All that while visiting vast art collections of the most significant Czech collectors, whose door is rarely open. The programme’s name indicates its nature: it’s a roadshow. We’ll travel across the country to visit experienced art collectors and artists’ studios. Each month – one journey. And with each journey – more knowledge.

The programme comprises three one-day and three two-day journeys. If you want to know more, feel free to get in touch at

Exploring the art collection at Chateau Třebešice.

EduArt Trips

Every now and then, we organise art trips based on what’s happening in the art world.

The programme is not fixed – it follows current events, driven by one goal: to be in touch with art. We might go to an art fair in London while visiting galleries and auction houses. We may travel to Balcan countries and discover the local art scene. And, of course, we meet inspiring experts who bless us with knowledge. Anyone is welcome to participate in this fun and educative voyage. EduArt Club members have a special discount.